Sunday, October 21, 2007


Paul Rabar

Paul Rabar was a Turtle. His company is Rabar Market Research.

It is well known that over a period of several years, Richard Dennis traded an initial stake of $1,200 into $300,000,000. By at least some measures, he thereby achieved the greatest performance in the history of the markets. To do so, his methods must have been different from or contrary to those of other traders in some important respects. The concept of contrarianism is perhaps the most important of those imparted by Dennis. Because each futures market is a zero-sum game, even a marginally profitable trader must extract capital from other market participants and, therefore, must use methods that are different from those of other market participants. Contrarianism in one form or another, whether or not a trader consciously identifies it as such, is the first requisite for profitability.
Barclay Group

Rabar Market Research, Inc. uses long-term trend following. Technical indicators are analyzed by computers that generate trading instructions or orders. Though most of these orders are followed strictly without any interpretation, some are modified by Paul Rabar, the company's president. Rabar's risk management limits exposure in each trade, each market, each sector, and each account. Risk is also controlled with extensive diversification of markets traded. Paul Rabar, CEO and sole principal of Rabar Market Research, Inc., was trained in the mid-1980s by Richard Dennis, one of the most successful futures speculators of all time.
Company Profile

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