Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Critic Back for More & Angry This Time!

Blog: Critic Back for More & Angry This Time!

Michael Covel / November 04, 2008

My critic here just responded with more:

“You decide to highlight the good results, but happily bury the poor results in tables of data.”

Do you consider chapter 2 and 3 of my book “Trend Following” buried? Entire chapters of a book in print for years is hidden away? Maybe you should go back and do some reading to at least have a decent argument. He continues:

“I have not seen the numbers for Campbell, Chesapeake et al (the big boys with yards of dollars under management), but am reasonably sure they will not put up Oct. numbers anywhere close to Henry’s comparatively tiny Financial and Metals fund.”

Perhaps, you should take a read of chapter 11 of my book “The Complete TurtleTrader”. You do follow that Henry has always been more aggressive and other trend traders shoot for less returns? It is a choice. People choose differently, but I get your argument that I am secretly duping people with incomplete information. I also understand that for the sake of your argument the hundreds of thousands of words in my books must be put to the side and ignored! He continues:

“If you are paid consulting fees by John Henry and Company please disclose this to your readers.”

There you go, get the anger out! I have no relationship with JWH, just respect for his entrepreneurial abilities. He continues:

“I also like how you like to write in absolutes as it obviously sells more books and draws attention to your blog. ‘The folks that did great during those periods due to the credit bubble all blew out in October 08. Trend traders survived. ‘ Your quote lacks honesty and highlights how you chose to cherry pick data.”

You are really worked up today! You got me. I am dishonest to the core. I spend my days thinking up ways to explain trading performance & traders all in a secretive, manipulative way to fool the little guy who apparently can only read that trend followers did well in October 2008. If I follow your logic this will then cause him to invest all of his money tomorrow and possibly lose it all cause he didn’t unerstand the risks. What else you got in your bag of arguments?

(continue reading)

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