Friday, November 28, 2008

Trend Following Educational Seminars

Michael Covel
Entrepreneur & Author of The Complete TurtleTrader & bestseller Trend Following
Director of Documentary Film Broke: The New American Dream

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Trend Following Educational Seminars

In just a few months most of the world has come to the same conclusion: buy and hold is dead. Everyone knows now, deep in their gut, instinctively, that index investing (”long only”) could leave you underwater for a decade or longer. Survival, making sure you don’t lose all of your money, should be your paramount concern. Just trusting that things will bounce back, that a recovery is right around the corner, should only be an option for the mentally challenged. That said, real options to making money, strategies with decades of positive performance in all types of markets (both up and down), do exist, but thinking different will be critical.

Who: Individual traders (brand new to advanced) & emerging or established fund managers. This unique trading seminar is for anyone who wants the opportunity to learn how and why trend following fortunes were made over the course of 2008 and even more specifically learn how and why trend following traders made absolute fortunes during the single month of October 2008.

Benefits: Learn how to trade to make absolute returns, the potential big money opportunities, utilizing advanced trend following and system trading techniques. Learn how to psychologically let go of “long-only-buy-and-hold-dead-end” trading strategies. Further, learn insights that will help build and or grow a fund.

Scope of Training: Instruction in trading techniques, research and psychology of top Market Wizards. Also covered: risk management, leverage, stop loss issues, capital exposure, portfolio composition, portfolio correlation, trading software insights, drawdown, market strategy, business strategy, SEC and CFTC regulatory issues (if fund manager), online marketing, networking techniques (how to make contact with top traders) and war stories straight from top Market Wizards never before available. This offering is a “cook book” for those without access, but who want to learn. It is for those who can’t pick up the phone and arrange meetings with the top traders. It is a look behind the curtain at how great trading really works.

Specific Content: Clients will learn key money making trend trading insights in the form of video and or audio from the likes of Larry Hite, David Harding, Paul Tudor Jones, Bernard Drury, Salem Abraham, Bill Dunn, Richard Dennis, Bill Eckhardt, Jerry Parker, Salem Abraham, Toby Crabel, Millburn Ridgefield, and Michael Clarke to name a few. Also, included are audio interviews with multiple original Turtle traders conducted for the book “The Complete TurtleTrader“. Additional resources covered in instruction include:

1. A review of risk management principles behind one of the most successful hedge funds of all time. Nearly 80 pages of foundational risk management philosophies that have literally allowed billions of profit to be pulled from the markets.
2. A review of original Turtle notes presented to original Turtles in 1984-1985. This is research supplied by an original Turtle during the research process for the book “The Complete TurtleTrader“.
3. A rare screening of the famed “Trader” documentary starring one of the greatest traders of all time. Provides a fantastic look into the mind of a winner.
4. A review of rare historical documents and techniques behind the famed trend following incubator ‘Commodities Corporation‘.

One through four is but a small sample of the materials to be presented. No one will walk away from the entirety of these materials feeling like they did not receive extreme value.

Background: Michael Covel has presented before live audiences from Hong Kong to Tokyo to Paris to Macau (China) to Vienna (Austria) to Dallas (Texas) and is very comfortable with intense question and answer periods. Covel first began assisting clients with their trading education in 1996 through Thousands have taken the opportunity to learn trend following trading through one of the most popular home study courses ever offered. Clients from across 70 countries, from corporate clients to mom and pop investors, to complete beginners, have gained money making insights into arguably the most successful trading method ever - trend following. And now today, as the world watches market crashes, bailouts and volatility at extreme levels, trend following traders have made fortunes. October 2008, for example, saw many trend following traders produce returns ranging from +5% to +40% for a single month at a time when most of the world was losing a fortune. Covel’s effort to maintain some of the most unique trading content available online, his efforts to complete research for the book “Trend Following“, his efforts to complete research for the book “The Complete TurtleTrader” and his production of a new film documentary has enabled the assemblage of a treasure trove of video, audio and text based research. Covel’s interviews (audio and or video) with trading ‘Market Wizards’ of unparalleled track records is one of a kind. These were all assembled during Covel’s research process over the last 5 years. This content is not available in the Classic System and Trend Trading Course presented at These materials have not been released in a public forum until November 2008.

Original Clients: One client who purchased the Classic System and Trend Trading Course asked:

“Is the [seminar] the same subject?”

Specific materials for this seminar have not been made public until November 2008. The subjects, rooted in trend following and systems trading, are listed above. While the original home study course has helped and continues to help many, constant requests were received for even more research information. Requests to see and hear top traders were common. A seminar was the best option to meet this demand.

Note from Michael Covel: “People ask, ‘why teach?’ First, I am entrepreneur with a long history of successfully teaching clients trend following trading. Many clients, including multiple professional fund managers, got their start with my original home study course first launched in 1996. Second, while it is rewarding to see people excel and make money, I am a capitalist in the truest Ayn Rand sense (”I accept money for value”). While my time, energy, sweat equity, research & unique access to world class traders will never be properly valued, I do know my research and travel expenses alone have easily exceeded $100,000. Seminar pricing is cheap by comparison.”

When and How: In-person seminars for individuals and or groups by appointment. Seminars held in San Diego, CA or approved off site locations (including international locations). Additionally, all materials will be offered via home study options for those unable to travel. Seminars will be scheduled as one on one sessions or small corporate groups. Scheduling is by appointment only as too many different contingencies, with clients traveling from multiple domestic and international locations, makes scheduling large group events problematic. Additionally, one on one or small corporate groups allows for much quicker interactions. If a client can jump ahead faster, great. If a client needs a slower pace, that is fine too.

Seminar Materials Provided: Video, audio, market data, research data, extensive printed materials, online resources and PowerPoint presentations. The comprehensive nature of diverse content, including literally thousands of pages on top of seminar audio and video, builds personal confidence.

Location: The primary seminar location is beautiful San Diego, CA. Nearby hotels in San Diego’s historic Gaslamp District include The Omni and Ivy Hotel. San Diego map:

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Off-site seminars can be scheduled at locations worldwide.

Pricing: Pricing is for one on one instruction. Pricing will vary for firms (2+ attendees) and seminars outside San Diego. Seminar is a 2 day event (8 hour days), but some clients may be able to assemble material in 1 day. Additionally, pricing to receive materials as home study will differ from in-person training. Contact for pricing.

Discounts: All prior clients seeking to attend seminar will receive a credit of 75% of their course purchase price that will be deducted from the total cost of seminar pricing.

Questions: You can email for more information or post questions here to be answered.
Michael Covel Biography

About Michael Covel
Broke: The New American Dream
Broke: The New American Dream [FILM]

Michael Covel directs the first theatrical documentary tackling the 2007-2008 market crisis.

Visit website | Buy DVD (2009)
The Complete TurtleTrader
The Complete TurtleTrader by Michael Covel [BOOK]

Michael Covel reveals complete story and trading system of Richard Dennis and his student traders...

Visit website | Buy Book Now
Trend Following
Trend Following by Michael Covel [BOOK]

For more than 30 years, one trading strategy has consistently delivered extraordinary profits...

Visit website | Buy Book Now

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Covel TurtleTrader Book

Trader Monthly Article (PDF)
Brett Steenbarger Review
Bloomberg Review
Your Trading Edge Review
Bill Miller (Legg Mason) Review
SFO Magazine Review (PDF)
MTA Review (Ajay Jani) (PDF)
Book Cover/Jacket (PDF)
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Covel Trend Following Book

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SFO Magazine Review (PDF)
Legg Mason Review (PDF)
Book Cover/Jacket (PDF)
Trend Following Courses

Our trend following education is for those looking to trade Stocks, Currencies, Energies, Bonds, Grains, and Metals. Also, one of a kind in person training is now available. If you want to know how top traders made fortunes during the market crash of October 2008, we can show you.
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Michael W. Covel's latest book. The only inside look at the Turtle trading experiment.
Trend Following

Michael W. Covel's bestselling "Trend Following". Translated into 8 languages so far.

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Michael W. Covel's video presentations from around the world only on YouTube.
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